Vetro Gallery website launch

MALO launches Vetro Gallery site.

  • Vetro Gallery is a novel and engaging website designed to display and celebrate ground breaking, exclusive and varied glass art from across the world...


  • This gallery is dedicated to elevating glass artists and educating the public about the intricate skills these artists master to transform creative ideas into tangible art, using glass as their primary material...


  • The development of Vetro Gallery has been a long-term project by The Glass CEO, supported by a team with extensive expertise in the glass art industry, encompassing art creation, production, processing, targeted marketing and pioneering new glass manufacturing technologies.


Showcasing the artwork

MALO was tasked with the dual responsibilities of developing a brand identity and building a website that highlights the exceptional art available at Vetro Gallery. Working closely with The Glass CEO, we developed a design strategy that focuses on showcasing the artwork effectively. By implementing scrolling text boxes, we refined the website content to keep the artwork at the forefront. The current design prominently features our first major collaborative project with John Moran, winner of Netflix’s "Blown Away" season three, emphasizing our commitment to promoting top-tier glass art.

Click here to view the site: Vetro Gallery

For more information on our web design services, please get in touch.

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