Compare Local

MALO Launches websites for Compare Local.

  • In recent months MALO have been working on websites for Compare Local, one of the UK’s leading quote comparison providers. Compare Local offering free quotes for double glazing, solar panels, boiler installations and conservatory roof conversations...


  • MALO were tasked with creating an engaging web experience, with a strong emphasis on user experience. The journey had to be straightforward, with easy access to the contact forms that help put the right installation companies with the end user.


Web design and SEO

Compare Local wanted to create a unique look and feel, with a strong visual impact. We set about creating a series of prototypes based on surveys carried out to help understand what the end user(s) required and their preferences. Once these had been approved we began the build process. With a strong emphasis on mobile friendly design (our researched showed 55% of users tended to begin their search on mobile devices), we created a mobile first website. The key element to achieving success was the need to build a site that was SEO friendly, to help minimise the need for AdWords. On-site SEO was implemented after extensive keyword research. Once everything was in place and the site tested on various mobile, tablet and desktop devices, the sites were ready to go.

Early Google success

The first of the sites created was Compare Local Double Glazing. The site was launched towards the end of November. We’re pleased to say that the site has already gained 89% coverage on Google and that the leads have already started to come in. This was followed by Compare Local Solar Panels in mid-December and once again coverage has exceeded expectations. Just before Christmas, Compare Local Boiler Installation was launched and work is currently on-going on gaining similar coverage. The final site in the network Compare Local Conservatory Roofs is targeted for launch in early January.

We’re delighted to announce that other sites have now been commissioned by Compare Local. Keep an eye out for developments soon. Please feel free to take a look at the site below. If there’s anything MALO can do to help your company with either web design or SEO (or both), then please get in touch.

Compare Local Double Glazing:

Compare Local Solar Panels:

Compare Local Boiler Installation:

Compare Local Conservatory Roof:

For more information on web design, please click here, for further information on SEO, please click here.

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