KFB Security

KFB Security.


KFB Security


Branding & Web Design

  • KFB Security bring the latest intruder alarm systems and CCTV systems at the most cost effective prices...


  • including RISCO Intruder Alarm Systems and Hikvision CCTV Systems, bringing peace of mind, without costing the earth.


The solution.

MALO was approached by KFB Security to once again provide them with a web solution incorporating the branding previously designed by MALO. The aim was simple, provide an outstanding responsive website whilst not breaking the bank. KFB decided to take advantage of MALO's recently launch 'Rent a website' initiative, choosing the 'Modern' template. MALO then mock-up the concept, which once approved was built with on-page SEO to help boost KFBs local reach within Google.

  • KFB - Website & Branding
  • KFB - Website & Branding
  • KFB - Website & Branding
  • KFB - Website & Branding
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