Vetro Gallery

Vetro Gallery.


Poesia Glass Studio Ltd


Branding & Web Design

  • Vetro Gallery is a new and unique space to showcase and inform the world of innovative, exclusive, and diverse artwork from around the globe. The focus behind the gallery is to promote glass artists and inform about the skills sets that artists develop to bring vision to reality, with the focus on glass as the medium...


  • The concept of Vetro Gallery has been in the works for some time and is backed by a team with solid experience in the glass industry, covering artwork, production, processing, dedicated promotion, and an innovative approach to new forms of glass manufacturing and technology.


The solution.

MALO was assigned the dual challenge of creating a brand and constructing a website to spotlight the unique artwork available at Vetro Gallery. In close collaboration with The Glass CEO, we devised a solution centred around prioritizing the artwork. Utilizing scrolling text boxes, we streamlined the copy to ensure the pieces remained the central focus. The current format showcases the inaugural project collaboration with John Moran, champion of Netflix's glassblowing competition "Blown Away" season three.

  • Vetro Galley Website & Branding
  • Vetro Galley Website & Branding
  • Vetro Galley Website & Branding
  • Vetro Galley Website & Branding
  • Vetro Galley Website & Branding
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